The Mojoca and a sad 8 March 2017; the commitment continues…

Many know directly or indirectly the Mojoca (Movement Jovenes de la Calle of Guatemala, cofounded by Gerard Lutte) and the action of redemption leading in one of the most violent in the world; It also talks about a …… recent The Mojoca – Educational cooperation n° 4-2016 pgg 60-64 Article (written by Annamaria Palomino) Cooperative Education Association, the magazine of MCE; the Mojoca in Italy is supported by Amistrada.

Last year a delegation of Mojoca was in Naples visitor of Communication workshop and teaching and besides meetings with students at a school and at the University, was arranged a public meeting with Alex Zanotelli, held at the PAN. (video of the meeting)
In recent days, we received a Letter from Gerard Lutte dell 11 March 2017 concerning a dramatic episode also talked about the international press and the Pope (Vatican Radio; the Manifesto ; Rai News ; Terranuova ; and others….)

The 8 March (next day to a series of protests for the rights that are denied) in a fire have died over 40 underage girls in a State Institute of assistance for girls





















(The stake of State as defined by an article on the poster Guatemala State femicide – Interview with Gerard Lutte – The manifesto 21 March 2017) and of which we give also the full interview released by Gerard Lutte, not published entirely for its length (Full interview of Gerard Lutte March Manifesto 2017).

Demonstrations are underway around the Guatemala and also in Italy.










The condition of youth in Guatemala is collapsing, for this we think we should support an Association of young self-managed like Mojoca who is also going through a very difficult time. Throughout Italy are mobilizing a lot of energy and many initiatives are about to leave (website, Facebook page etc.) and of which we will make news coming soon.

The Group Friends of Mojoca di Napoli, decided to collect a first immediate economic contribution, waiting for more action spread to cities in the coming months (photo exhibition, dating, sale of handicrafts, etc ... ), also in view of the return of Gerard Lutte and a delegation of Mojoca in Naples in the coming months. Info

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