Unpublished testimony of PieroTerracina, survived Auschwitz- Birkenau. The 27 January 2021 It is celebrated around the World Holocaust Memorial Day, marking the 76th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau (27January 1945), by Soviet troops of the Red Army….
… This year the Bottega Communication and DidAttic recalls Holocaust Memorial Day as in other years; for useful materials to deepen students, refer to pages already published in years
Also this year we dedicate Holocaust Memorial Day Piero Terracina, Roman jew born in Rome 12 November 1928, where he was arrested 7 April 1944, and deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where it was released 27 January 1945.
Piero died on 8 December 2019, mourned by those who knew him, and above all Sami Modiano, jew born in Rhodes (Greece) who shared with him the days of Birkenau; were two young boys (16 years and Piero 14 You) became friends on that terrible occasion.
We at Bottega We had the pleasure of knowing him directly during his meeting with students of a Neapolitan school, ITIS Leonardo da Vinci, the 21 November 2011, and we videotaped her speech, that we represent here in full.
When he died we felt invested with a nice big responsibility, now that is gone, because he left us his testimony of those terrible days; our task now becomes therefore to continue his work to preserve the memory through the videos in our possession, because "... we have to make memory of the past because, through the present, There we project into the future. To say and shout the words of the past: never again!”
For this reason we publish FOR THE FIRST TIME, FULLY, THIS TESTIMONY, reminding ourselves and others who reads these pages "... the death camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau is not just the fault of Germany. Other governments were perpetrators of this evil. The French government after the armistice has delivered many Jews to Nazis. Yet in other countries such as Denmark this has not happened. The King was opposed to the deportation. He also puts him the star that marked the Jews, He puts pressure on the people and this He blocked the deportation of Danish Jews. Because this did not happen in Italy? Even in Bulgaria […] Jews were saved from extermination. Because this did not happen in Italy? If someone could who had failed there would be no deportation. In Italy there are about Jews 2300 years. Yet this civilization was denied. Jews were forbidden not only to have, but also be ... »