around the world

around the world for knowledge rights and peace3

"Consider your seed:
fatti non foste a viver come bruti
but to follow virtue and knowledge "

Dante Alighieri – The Divine Comedy, Inferno Canto XXVI, VV 118-120
Annamaria and Lanfranco, two teachers of the Association Communication workshop and teaching in Naples they performed a Around the world for knowledge, rights, peace from 23 July to 23 November which started from Naples (Italy) He reached China (with return to Naples) and continued to New York, Boston, fell in Central America, South America, continued in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, then in Polynesia, Oceania, South East Asia and after Uzbekistan (Samarkand), ended in Naples after 2 months (120 days).
The places visited were basically not known, and a goal was to advance your knowledge in harmony with:
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, struggle for affirmation and protection of human rights A.. Italy
– the network FIMEM worldwide associations of teachers for the affirmation of a pedagogy and popular education In Italy with the Cooperative Education Association
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC to "increase and diffuse geographic knowledge while at the same time to promote the protection of culture of humanity ’, the history and natural resources” also present in Italy
SAVE THE CHILDREN for the protection and promotion of children's rights, even in Italy,
UNESCO to encourage collaboration among Nations in the areas of education, Science, culture and communication with the list of current 1031 global sites WORLD HERITAGE of HUMANITY ’’
GREEN PEACE that strives to protect and preserve ’ environment and to promote peace and there is IN ITALY
These various bodies, in different contexts, are carriers of shared values from the workshop of communication and educational visits and somehow as if they had “sponsored” the Tour !
It was expected and they cross 17 of States 5 continents, Italy, China, Hong Kong, Macau, USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Turkey, visiting 48 UNESCO sites, and taking into account both the affirmation of human rights, the fight for their claim, by many associations and popular education centres in disadvantaged areas, among other:
Freinet Education Centre (Hangzhou) China
– March in memory of Sacco and Vanzetti and human rights ’ (Boston) USA
Movimiento de JÓvenes de la CAlle (Guatemala City)
de favela Rocinha (Rio de Janeiro) Brazil
the mothers of Plaza de Mayo (Buenos Aires)
Pedagogical Centre Paulo Freire (Sao Paolo) Brazil
Aboriginal cultural centre UluruKataTjuta National Park in Australia
and others for:
– keep your eyes open on the world expressing a message of peace and brotherhood that are not possible without the full implementation of human rights and respect for the environment
In Communication workshop and teaching There is a flag of peace and a phrase that is translated into every opportunity to meet with teachers and students of foreign countries
“.… The peace flag is composed of different colors together in the Rainbow ‘, how different are the colors of the flags, languages, skin colors, races and ways of thinking … The workshop promotes the ’ encounter between students from different countries peoples. When people of different races, languages, religions come together, make peace and war moves away…